Jupiter conjunct Neptune and other important astrology weather dates of Spring 2022.

Important astrological weather dates to note below. For a more overall forecast report of this spring, please read my previous post Love in the time of War.
Think again
Mercury enters Aries - Sunday, March 27, 2022
Have you been feeling like your thoughts are made of fog lately? Have been trying to catch a fish with soapy hands? Mercury has been in Pisces along with Neptune, in esoteric fantasy land where it can function only by pure instinct and dreaming - not that there's anything wrong with that. But when Mercury enters Aries on March 27/28, we will be able to start to think actual, logical thoughts again. The good and the bad news: the plans that seemed to have been falling apart for all parties involved (for good and for bad), will now assume ahead, clearheaded and more determined than ever. Mercury in Aries can also mean abrupt and impatient communication.
Besieged No More
Venus passes Saturn - Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Venus has been in the Saturn ruled signs for 5 long months. When she passes Saturn on March 29, I see this as a good sign for a possible beginning for any kind of negotiations. It is not yet smooth sailing, but not as impossible as before. All of March, Venus has been in between a rock and a hard place (besieged by Mars and Saturn). Economy, negotiations and commerce have been stalled. She is now dusting herself off, collecting her things, approaching the door and just cannot wait to get out of Aquarius and see the blue skies and the green ocean waves of Pisces. Matters related to contracts, economy and commerce, as well as women and negotiations will start look hopeful again.
Hope is in the Air and in the Sea
Venus enters Pisces - Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Venus is finally free, AND in the sign of her exaltation. She thrives in Pisces. She is also in the same sign as Jupiter and Neptune. April 5 - 14 is one of the most hopeful and positive times of the year 2022. A great time to proceed with things that have been on the back burner and that you have been waiting to launch. When making decisions though, still keep in mind that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. The presence of Jupiter and Neptune will obscure facts, and might make things look as you hope they are, not what they actually are. So stay alert to start something completely new, unless you just want to throw caution to the wind and jump in with both feet. Sometimes, such a gamble may actually pay off, and this extremely fortunate and optimistic configuration may just be the stuff the dreams are made off. Feeling lucky? Then go for it.
As long as you remember that simultaneously, Mars and Saturn are still going strong and making lots of trouble in Aquarius. It would be naive to think that anybody is actually backing down or wanting peace. It's just that they see negotiations as a better strategy at the moment.
Dream Big or Go Home
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune - April 12, 2022
Jupiter and Neptune are forming a once in a lifetime, dreamy, dramatic and possibly confusing conjunction in the sign of Pisces on April 12, 2022, not seen in 165 years. Neptune represents on the positive side, spiritual awakenings, compassion, dreams and dissolving of boundaries.
On the negative side, it represents naive, illusory, over enthusiasm, followed by disillusionment and disappointment. Combined with Jupiter, the spreading of ideological fanaticism and false information is possible. Sometimes dissolving of boundaries can also lead to misfortune. Neptune (and Jupiter in Pisces as well) represents water, so water related incidents like floods are more than likely. Both or combination of the previous results are also possible, but in the company of the most beneficial planet, Jupiter, the manifestation of the positive side is more likely. Jupiter's tendency is to benefit, expand and help to make dreams possible. Want to dream big? This is as big as it gets.
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