Full Moon on November 15, 2024, and Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, never to return to Capricorn in our lifetime.

Full Moon in Taurus
The Full Moon in Taurus on Friday, November 15, 2024, at 4:28 PM EST is highly emotional, as full moons typically by nature are. However, what makes this full moon especially unpredictable is its proximity to both Uranus and the fixed star Algol. This could manifest in natural disasters or disruptions in the financial markets. On a personal level, an old piece of news, a person, or something may unexpectedly resurface. Friday, during the day and evening, is not recommended for starting anything new, due to the unpredictable nature of these planets and stars, and there is no guarantee of a positive outcome. It’s also best to keep strong personal opinions and emotions to yourself, and either express them next week, or, not at all. Misunderstandings and emotional reactions are at their peak on Friday and Saturday, November 15-16.
Pluto in Capricorn: Old Beliefs Questioned
Pluto has been in Capricorn for 16 years, since 2008, and will never return to this sign in our lifetime. During this time, we have evolved from caterpillar to butterfly, thanks to Pluto. Pluto will finally leave Capricorn on November 19, 2024, at 10:40 PM, and move into Aquarius, where it will remain for an incredible 20 years.
Pluto is making a final, permanent change and sealing it. Pluto symbolizes, above all, power—or the lack of it—both in society and in personal life. Compared to Saturn, which brings personal lessons and eventually even gifts, Pluto is more impersonal and simply requires us to adapt to the changes it brings.
It’s important to note that the movement of an outer planet doesn’t affect an individual with the same intensity over the entire 20-year period. Its influence is strongest when Pluto forms a 1-3 degree aspect to any planets in your natal chart, either through conjunctions, squares, or oppositions. A personal astrology chart interpretation provides much more detailed information, as it takes into account your personal planets.
Read both your Sun sign and your Rising sign to gain the best understanding of how Pluto’s transit might affect you at its peak. Generally, Pluto influences us slowly but steadily in the background over the next 20 years. You can read more about the general/social matters symbolized by Pluto in Aquarius in my earlier blog post.
Pluto Moving from Capricorn to Aquarius for Each Zodiac Sign
ARIES – Pluto is currently bidding farewell to your 10th house of career and public visibility. You’ve had opportunities to showcase your abilities, and as an Aries, you’ve embraced them, loving the challenge. Only now are the results of your work becoming visible as Pluto shifts into your house of networks.
Starting November 19, 2024, Pluto will reside in your 11th house of wishes, dreams, friends, groups, and networks for the next 20 years. Pluto symbolizes that you’ll soon see who your true friends are and which dreams are worth fighting for. You may have already sensed restlessness, feeling out of place in your current circles. Your dreams may also evolve, becoming something far from the ordinary. New, unique communities and networks await, helping you rise to a new level.
TAURUS – Pluto is bidding farewell to your 9th house of philosophy, religion, travel, and higher education. Pluto has broadened your worldview in both symbolic and literal ways, even though you’re a homebody at heart. Yet, even you must admit that your world expanded.
On November 19, 2024, Pluto moves permanently into your 10th house of career and visibility. How you approach work will transform in the next 20 years. Learning and using new technology may become inspiring, as long as you handle it responsibly. Saturn has tested you in your career over recent years, and you now master your profession. Exhaustion may have set in, but technology will offer a chance to take your career to new heights or venture into entirely new territory.
GEMINI – Pluto is currently saying goodbye to your 8th house of other people’s resources and karmic debts. This is welcome news, as karmic debts in this area are paid, and any dependencies on another person or institution are ending.
From November 19, 2024, Pluto will settle into your 9th house of philosophy, religion, travel, and higher education for the next 20 years. Your life philosophy and beliefs may undergo a total transformation at some point, with the timing depending on your natal chart. This could come through intense studies or travel. Perhaps you’ll find a teacher with a profound influence, or maybe you’re ready to share your own knowledge and skills. Either way, your worldview will expand to places you never knew existed.
CANCER – Pluto is bidding farewell to your 7th house of relationships. Since 2008, you’ve experienced a deep psychological transformation in your understanding of self and others. Perhaps you’ve ended a long-term relationship or realized you can thrive on your own, or maybe you’ve encountered an unusual, intense partner who turned your world upside down.
On November 19, 2024, Pluto will settle into your 8th house of other people’s resources and karmic dependencies for the next 20 years. This could relate to loans, inheritances, or your partner’s finances. Any karmic dependency, where you’re dependent on another or vice versa, will come under scrutiny. You may have a need to feel needed and find security in others’ approval, but Pluto now gives you the chance to overcome this energy-draining tendency.
LEO – Pluto is bidding farewell to your 6th house of service, work, and health. A part of your work routine is ending, and you may have gotten into good shape with Pluto as your demanding coach since 2008.
Starting November 19, 2024, Pluto will move into your 7th house of relationships for the next 20 years. If you haven’t already deepened or ended a partnership in recent years, this change may still come under Pluto’s influence. Timing depends on your personal chart. Your understanding of yourself in relationships will undergo profound change, whether you realize you’re fine on your own or encounter an intense, transformative partner.
VIRGO – Pluto is saying goodbye to your 5th house of joy, romance, creativity, and children. Your relationship with what brings you joy has transformed, and Saturn’s opposition from your 7th house has made relationships challenging in recent years. Healthier lifestyle choices may replace past habits that no longer bring you joy.
From November 19, 2024, Pluto will enter your 6th house of service, work, and health for the next 20 years. Gradually, you’ll find new meaning in serving others. You’ll understand, on a deeper level, the joy in helping others selflessly. You may even join a project focused on healing or wellness, utilizing new technology. Just remember to care for yourself, as overworking could impact your health.
LIBRA – Pluto is saying goodbye to your 4th house of home and family. An old home, hometown, or even country may be left behind, and big changes may affect your parents or grandparents.
Starting November 19, 2024, Pluto moves into your 5th house of romance, children, and creativity for the next 20 years. Pluto will gradually change what brings you joy, pushing you to let go of old habits. New creative work may become a source of fulfillment and spiritual growth. These insights come with challenges but will provide you with a map to lasting well-being.
SCORPIO – Pluto is currently bidding farewell to your 3rd house of communication, which also relates to siblings and neighbors. You may leave behind an old neighborhood or routine, or siblings might experience changes impacting you.
From November 19, 2024, Pluto will enter your 4th house of home and family for the next 20 years. Saturn has already transformed your domestic life in recent years. Now comes a permanent shift. It’s time to consider what you truly want in your home environment. You might explore family roots, uncovering meaningful connections to your heritage. Major changes may also affect your parents or grandparents, impacting you deeply.
SAGITTARIUS – Pluto is bidding farewell to your 2nd house of money and values. Hosting Pluto in your money house hasn’t been easy, so his departure may be a relief. Pluto may have transformed your relationship with money and values since 2008.
Starting November 19, 2024, Pluto will move into your 3rd house of communication, which also relates to siblings and neighbors, for the next 20 years. Your mindset and communication style will undergo profound change, though timing depends on your chart. Relationships with siblings may shift dramatically, possibly uncovering surprising family secrets.
CAPRICORN – Pluto is bidding farewell to your 1st house of identity since 2008. You’ve seen, suffered, and learned much. Do you even recognize who you were in 2008?
From November 19, 2024, Pluto will move into your 2nd house of money and values for the next 20 years. Although this is minor compared to Pluto’s transformation of your identity, the lessons you’ve learned will likely alter your values, setting the stage for a fresh chapter.
AQUARIUS – Pluto is saying goodbye to your 12th house of hidden or unconscious matters. Aspects of yourself you didn’t fully understand may have slowly undermined you. Now, you’re aware and no longer controlled by them.
Starting November 19, 2024, transformation will occur internally and externally as Pluto moves into your 1st house of identity and body. Pluto’s influence won’t be intense for all 20 years but will challenge you when it aligns with certain points in your natal chart. You may feel somewhat uneasy at first, as if you don't know what to do with the power Pluto is bringing you. But you will get the hang of it in time. Seek advice from Capricorns, who have been under Pluto’s influence since 2008 and have emerged stronger, understanding themselves and their potential.
PISCES – Pluto is saying goodbye to your 11th house of dreams, friendships, groups, and networks. Pluto has cleared away communities that no longer serve you, replacing them with deep, intense relationships.
From November 19, 2024, Pluto will settle into your 12th house of hidden or unconscious matters for the next 20 years. This journey will reveal aspects of yourself previously unknown. Pluto will take you on a journey into the subconscious. You’ll understand yourself in new ways, and while you’re comfortable with mysteries, Pluto will push you to go even deeper. This journey promises total transformation, potentially brilliant, inspiring new creative work.
More about Pluto
Power to the People...?
At its best, Pluto in Aquarius symbolizes amazing technological and medical advances. Imagine free and environmentally friendly energy sources. Imagine AI creating a personalized curriculum for every child. Imagine universal access to excellent medical care. Imagine communities with specific skills and talents working together for the good of society across the globe. Imagine inventions that make life healthier and happier for people, animals, and the planet alike. It’s essential to visualize positive outcomes and possibilities, instead of constantly consuming the endless media stream that mainly offers us different versions of doomsday.
Or Power from the People...?
With power comes great responsibility. With Pluto present, we should always keep an eye on potential abuses of power, and in Aquarius, this especially pertains to the misuse of technology and the masses. The censorship of information and struggles for control over knowledge are almost a given. Various fringe groups will arise to challenge governments worldwide.
However, the people can also be wielders of power. Famously, Alexis de Tocqueville’s theory and warning about the tyranny of the majority seem particularly relevant in these times. The majority can decide to oppress minorities. This is an example of Pluto's darker side while in the sign of Aquarius.
"Fake It 'Til You Make It"
Imagine positive visions, even if you don't fully believe in them, because Pluto’s greatest threat is the manifestation of our own fears. There's a saying: garbage in, garbage out. In other words, we can’t hope to improve the world if we constantly consume apocalyptic and fear-based scenarios. Let’s try not to focus solely on catastrophic things in the media, while still not forgetting reality. The best approach now is to hope for the best while staying prepared for challenges.
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