Mars turns direct, Scorpio New Moon Nov 15 and Gemini Full Moon Eclipse on Nov 30, 2020

The theme of the return of Mars, and the New Moon in Scorpio on Sunday, November the 15th, can be expressed well by the song lyrics "All the things we've been through, you should understand me, like I understand you... if you don't know me by now, you will never never never know me". During Mars retrograde since September, many have experienced sudden revelations, unwanted turnarounds, shocks, frustrations, confusions and delays. But he is back now, and, as the ruler of Scorpio, where we have the upcoming new moon, we can look back and see what we have learned.
We are slowly starting to understand whatever our personal lessons are from 2020, and, are starting to realize our new direction. Mars is turning direct after almost 3 months, although he will take his time to really get going. The path forward is yet by no means clear and straight forward, but, we are becoming clear on what we don't want. For the past 3 months, we have gotten many epiphanies on what our lives really look like. And these new insights may not align with how we had previously perceived ourselves. We are ready to make final decisions on our relationships, health, finances, and any kind of structures that are no longer working. Again, this Scorpio new moon is not as much about what we want, but about becoming quite clear on what we don't want, and what is no longer working in our lives.
The realizations will reach their very emotional peak on November 30, during the full moon eclipse in Gemini. That is when we are either coming to terms with the lessons of 2020, or leaving our old lives, or part of ourselves, permanently behind.
The final lessons of 2020 are therefore already being gathered. They will crystallize during a dramatic, long awaited, great turning point this upcoming Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter switch places after just having moved to a new sign (more on this later). This upcoming Scorpio new moon is a powerful chance to dig deep one more time (yes, one more deep dive...) before the powerful shifts are fully here and many, remarkable, new cycles begin. Cycles that definitely are for the better.
Regarding Corona virus; there is still a lot of work to be done, but most astrologers feel that we have now approaching the peak of the pandemic, and that generally speaking, things will get better from here.
This particular new moon is not the best time to do manifestation work. It is a time of final, deep realizations of what took place the last 3 - 6 months. Especially regarding relationships, financial matters and any structures that may not hold their weight anymore. By the Gemini full moon eclipse on November 30th, it is a make it or break it time. Did we understand the lessons that were brought to us the past 3 months? If not, Mars will show us those lessons again, so we are better off trying to understand. "If you don't know me by now, you will never never never know me".