If there ever was a time for a redo, this is it.

We entered the pre shadow period of Mercury retrograde on January 15. The actual retrograde dates are January 30 – February 21. The post shadow period ends on March 13.
2020 is finally over
2020 is finally over after Mars entered into Taurus dramatically on January 6th and then squared Saturn and Jupiter. The feeling of wanting to forge ahead right now, with bells on, is overwhelming. But Jupiter, (the planet of luck and expansion) while greatly improved when visiting Aquarius, is still a guest in Saturn's home, and can only do as much as good as you could, when visiting somebody else's home. You would first have to learn what tools are available to you, where to find those tools, and finally, learn how to work with the tools you found.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius January 30 - February 21
It is no accident that Mercury retrograde is also happening in the sign of Aquarius, where Saturn and Jupiter are staying most of the year. If there ever was a time to redo, rethink, reevaluate, it is now. We have a chance to review and understand what happened to us all of last year. It is difficult to formulate a plan for the future if we don't understand our past.
What have we learned? Who are we now? The answers may not be apparent, but merely asking starts this important task. Mercury retrograde is a blessing that will slow things down enough for us to be able to come up for air and look around. As we start seeking and reevaluating our Aquarius house, answers will eventually come to us. At first, we may only understand what is no longer serving us. Re prioritizing our goals, letting go of old attitudes - this is what Mercury retrograde in Aquarius wants from us.
Full Moon in Leo - Aquarius Axis on January 28
The Full Moon on January 28 will bring tension between our personal goals vs. the goals of our community, group or the collective. This is when we will need to readjust our personal wishes to meet with the goals of our networks. Who am I as an individual, and what do I really believe in, and do I fit in this particular group?
Aquarius New Moon February 11
The sign of Aquarius will be greatly activated for everybody starting February 2. By the time of the extraordinary New Moon on February 11, we will have no less than six planets in the sign of Aquarius. At this point, Aquarius isn't really asking if we are ready to understand the past and ready for the future - he is simply informing, and showing the way. Ready or not, the future is here. Most of us will be feeling uneasy simply because we are now in unknown territory. The only way we can lean on this uncertainty, is to be really sure who we are.
As I explained in my previous blog, Aquarius cannot hand us harmony, peace, love and understanding on a platter. We will have to work for them. The revolutionary forces of both the new and the old will only keep digging in their heels all year. Another major clash is already on its way on February 17th. Spoiler alert: the mad dash of the aggressive "new" will not win, especially with no other plan than to destroy, but neither will the "old" traditional ways if they are not willing to reevaluate, relearn and readjust. Note that sometimes we ourselves represent the "new" in our personal lives, and sometimes we ourselves take on the role of the "old" holding on to traditions or beliefs in our personal lives. Who is the new and who is the old, isn't always apparent. This is about long term planning and about knowing who we really are as an individual and what is our role in the collective.
The US Pluto Return Continues
For the US, the Pluto return will last another two years. It's intensity is now greatly diminished, but one can never underestimate how relentless Pluto is in its pursuit of getting to the bottom of things. There is no faking or surface level fixing things with Pluto. By the time Pluto is done, the US will emerge a new nation, and eventually be better for it.
Personal Aquarius House
Pay attention to your Aquarius house and what it is trying to tell you, especially for the next few months. Here is where to find it based on your sun and rising sign:
Aries sun and rising - pay attention to friends, groups, networks are highlighted.
Taurus sun and rising - pay attention to career issues. This is a good year to learn and use technology to advance your career.
Gemini sun and rising - pay attention to higher education, religion, travel, anything that expands the mind is highlighted.
Cancer sun and rising - pay attention to hard work and luck regarding projects with other people and long term financial planning.
Leo sun and rising - pay attention to growth and luck regarding any kinds of one-on-one relationships, business or personal.
Virgo sun and rising - daily work, a good year create a daily health routine.
Libra sun and rising - hard work and luck related to creativity, romance, commitment and children are highlighted.
Scorpio sun and rising - pay attention to issues related to home environment and parents are highlighted.
Sagittarius sun and rising - hard work and luck regarding projects related to communicating. Dealings with siblings.
Capricorn sun and rising - hard work and good luck regarding organizing personal finances and values this year.
Aquarius sun and rising - your time has come. Your very identity, brand and very being is being reevaluated. Time to reinvent yourself from the bottom up.
Pisces sun and rising - spiritual focus, inner work, good year to start a meditation practice.
Wishing You Happy Aquarius adventures,
p.s. Now available: YEAR AHEAD readings at lunardakini.com